'➢Check out this video to fix shoulder pain/Impingement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Lfge31AkBc Shoulder impingement is one of the most common injuries associated with lifting weights. It\'s certainly not fun to deal with, so in this video, we give you our top 5 strengthening exercises for pre-hab and rehab purposes. ➢Online Coaching: http://bit.ly/ColossusOnlineCoaching ➢Business Inquiries: [email protected] 5 Prehab Exercises: 1. (0:23)- Shoulder internal rotation smash 2. (1:13)- Banded wall slide 3. (2:09)- Facepulls 4. (3:23)- Reach, roll, lift 5. (4:18)- Supine kettlebell internal & external rotation FREE GIFTS: ➢Free supplement ebook: http://bit.ly/ColossusSupplementScience ➢Vascularity ebook: http://bit.ly/GoogleMapsVascular ➢Fix Your Form Pocket Book: http://bit.ly/FormCheatSheet Free Podcast (Fit, Healthy & Happy): Itunes: http://bit.ly/FitHappyHealthyPodcast Spotify: http://bit.ly/FitHealhyHappyPodcastSpotify Check us out on our other media: ➢Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramColossusFitness ➢Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookColossusFitness ➢Snapchat: @colossusfit ➢Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterColossusFitness'
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